Word |
Meaning |
अर्थ |
Caducity |
The infirmity of old age. |
नश्वरता |
Calligraphy |
The art of beautiful hand writing.
Elegant penmanship. |
हस्तलिपि, लिखावट, सुलेख |
Callous |
A man devoid of kind feeling and
sympathy |
कठोर, निष्ठुर |
Cannibal |
Of a man or animal that feeds on
its own species |
स्वजातिभक्षक पशु, नरभक्षी |
Carnivorous |
A flesh eating animal |
मांसाहारी |
Catalogue |
A list of books |
तालिका, नामावली, नामसूची |
Celibacy |
Abstinence from sex |
ब्रह्मचर्य |
Celibate |
One who is unmarried |
ब्रह्मचारी |
Cemetery |
A place for burial of dead bodies. |
कब्रिस्तान |
Centenarian |
A person who is above hundred
years |
शतायु |
Centenary |
Celebration of a hundredth year,
once –a-century |
शताब्दी, शतवर्षिया उत्सव |
Centripetal |
Anything tending to move away from
centre. |
अभिकेंद्र, केन्द्राभिमुखी |
Century |
One hundred years. |
सौ वर्ष, शताब्दी |
Colleague |
A co-worker or a fellow-worker in
the same institution |
सहकर्मी |
Compatriot |
Belong to same country. |
एक देशवासी, हम वतन |
Congenital |
Belonging or pertaining to an
individual from birth |
जन्मजात |
Congregation |
An assembly of worshippers. |
सभा, भक्त मंडली, धर्मसंघ |
Conscription |
Compulsory enlistment for military
or i\other service |
सेना में जबरदस्ती भर्ती करना |
Contemporaries |
People living at the same time |
समकालीन व्यक्ति |
Contemporary |
Belonging to the same period of
time |
समकालीन |
Convalescent |
One who is recovering from illness |
स्वास्थ्य लाभकारी, स्वास्थ्य लाभ से सम्बंधित |
Cosmology |
Science of origin of universe |
ब्रह्माण्ड विज्ञान |
Cosmopolitan |
One who can make himself at home
in all countries |
समस्त संसार का, सर्वव्यापी |
Cosmopolite |
A citizen of the world |
ऐसा व्यक्ति जिसने बहुत देशों की यात्रा की हो |
Couplet |
A stanza having two lines in
verse. |
दोहा |
Credulous |
A person who readily believes
whatever is told to him/her. |
सहज विश्वासी, भोला |
Cryptography |
Study of secret writing and coded
words |
गूढ़ लेखन, बीज लेखन |
Word |
Meaning |
अर्थ |
Curable |
Which can be cured. |
साध्य, ठीक होने योग्य |
Cynic |
One who questions everything |
दोषदर्शी, निंदक |
Cytology |
Study of cell |
कोशिका विज्ञान |
Dead letter |
An unclaimed letter |
अंधपत्र, अप्रचलित कानून |
Deaf |
One who cannot hear |
बहरा |
Debar |
Prevent a person from admission or
a right. |
वर्जित करना, रोक देना |
Declamation |
Act or art of rhetorical exercise. |
भाषण, घोषणा, व्याख्यान |
Delegate |
To give one |
सौपना, प्रतिनिधित्व करने के लिये भेजना |
Democracy |
Government of the people, for the
people, by the people |
प्रजातंत्र, लोकतंत्र |
Demonstration |
Show of force to intimidate. |
प्रदर्शन |
Depreciate |
To go down in value |
मूल्य घटना, कीमत घटना |
Dermatology |
Study of skin. |
त्वचा विज्ञान |
Desert |
Where neither water nor vegetation
is found. |
रेगिस्तान, मरुस्थल, बंजर |
Deteriorate |
To go from bad to worse |
बिगड़ना, क्षय होना |
Dictatorship |
Government carried on by an
absolute ruler. |
निरंकुशता, तानाशाही, दबंग |
Dictionary |
A book dealing with words in alphabetical
order |
शब्दकोश, शब्द सागर |
Dieting |
A small allowance of food to
become slim. |
कम भोजन करना |
Digestible |
That which can be digested |
पाचन योग्य, सुपाच्य |
Dipsomania |
A strong desire to take liquor. |
मदिरा की लत्त, शराब की तीव्र इच्छा |
Disenfranchisement |
To take away some one |
विशेष विक्रय अधिकार को वापस लेना |
Divisible |
That Which can be divided. |
विभाज्य |
Dotage |
Extreme old age when one behaves
like a child |
सठियापा, वृद्धावस्था की मतिक्षीणता |
Draw |
A game in which neither party wins |
लॉटरी नंबर निकालना, खींचना, खेल में ना जीत ना हार, बराबरी |
Drawn/ Tie |
A game or batter in which neither
party wins |
खेल मैं बराबरी - ना जीत ना हार |
Drought |
Continuous dry weather and lack of
rain and water. |
सूखा, अनावृष्टि |
Dumb |
One who cannot speak |
गूंगा |
Word |
Meaning |
अर्थ |
Eccentric |
One who has strange habits |
सनकी, विचित्र |
Ecology |
Study of environment |
पर्यावरण, परिस्थिति विज्ञान |
Edible |
A thing that is fit to be eaten |
खाने योग्य, आहार |
Effeminate |
Of a man showing feminine
attributes |
नारी जैसा पुरुष, स्त्रैण |
Efficacious |
Sure to produce desired results |
अचूक, प्रभावी |
Egotist |
A person who always thinks of
himself ; somebody who is selfish or self-centered |
अहंकारी, अहंवादी |
Eligible |
One who is qualifies for election |
योग्य |
Elucidate |
To explain something mysterious or
difficult |
समझना, स्पष्ट करना |
Embezzlement |
Misappropriation of money |
गबन |
Emigrant |
One who goes to live in a foreign
country |
उप्रवासी, परदेश में रहने वाला व्यक्ति |
Emissary |
Q person sent on a
mission.[usually official] |
दूत, गुप्तचर, जासूस |
Emphasize |
To lay special stress on |
महत्व देना |
Employer |
One who employs. |
नियोजक, मालिक |
Endemic |
A disease prevailing in a locality |
स्थानिक बीमारी |
Entomology |
Study of insects |
कीट विद्या |
Epic |
A long narrative poem |
महाकाव्य |
Epicure |
Somebody who has refined taste for
food; somebody who loves sensual pleasure and luxury |
स्वादलोलुप व्यक्ति |
Epidemic |
A contagious disease which spreads
over a huge area |
महामारी |
Epilogue |
A speech given after conclusion of
drama. |
उपसंहार |
Epistle |
Verse in form of a letter. |
काव्य पत्र, धर्म पत्र |
Epitaph |
Inscription on a tombstone |
स्मारक, समाधी-लेख |
Equestrian |
A person who rides on horse-back |
अश्वारोही, घुड़सवार |
Equilibrium |
A state of perfect balance |
संतुलन |
Eradicate |
Destroy or get rid of something
completely; root out an evil or bad practice |
मिटा देना, उन्मूलन करना |
Word |
Meaning |
अर्थ |
Essential |
Thing without which we cannot do |
अनिवार्य, प्रधान, आवश्यक |
Ethnology |
A study of races |
मानव जाति अध्ययन |
Etiquette |
Established rules of conduct;
rules of acceptable behavior |
शिष्टाचार |
Etymology |
A study of word, science deals
which formation of words |
शब्दों का इतिहास/मतलब, शब्दों के उद्गम का शास्त्र |
Examinee |
One who is taking examination. |
परीक्षार्थी |
Examiner |
One who examine the copies of
examinees. |
परीक्षक, प्रश्नकर्ता |
Exile |
Made to be absent for a long time
from one's own country. |
देश निकाला, निर्वासन, वनवास |
Exonerate |
Free somebody from blame or guilt |
दोष मुक्त करना |
Expatriate |
To send out of native country. |
प्रवासी |
Expurgate |
To remove all objectionable
matter. |
आपत्तिजनक विषय की कांट-छांट करना |
Extempore |
A speech delivered without any
previous preparation |
बिना तैयारी के |
Extradite |
To send back the criminal to the
country. |
भागे हुए विदेशी अपराधी को सौंपना, प्रत्यार्पण करना |
Facsimile |
An exact copy |
प्रतिकृति |
Fanatic |
A man who has too much enthusiasm
for his own religion |
कट्टरपंथी, उन्मादी |
Fastidious |
A person difficult to please |
अकडू, नकचड़ा |
Fatal |
Anything that leads to death |
प्राण-घातक, जानलेवा |
Fatalist |
A person who believes in fate |
भाग्यवादी |
Feminist |
One who thinks only of welfare of
women |
नारी अधिकारवादी |
Foregone |
Something that has been determined
beforehand |
पूर्व निश्चित |
Forgery |
Falsification of documents etc. |
जालसाजी, नकली |
Foster child |
Child brought by persons, Who are
not his parents. |
किसी और के द्वारा पोषित बच्चा |
Franchise |
Constitutional right to cast vote. |
मतदान का अधिकार, विशेष विक्रय अधिकार |
Fratricide |
The murder or murderer of brother
or sister |
भ्रात्र-हत्या, स्वजनो की हत्या/हत्यारा |