Tuesday, 1 October 2024
Saturday, 21 September 2024
Sunday, 1 September 2024
Antonyms : 200 Words
Antonyms : 200 Words
https://dkstudyroutine.blogspot.com/2. Exceptional- Common
3. Permanent- Temporary
4. Dim- Luminous
5. Reckless- Careful
6. Explicit- Ambiguous
7. Incredible- Believable
8. Repel- Attract
9. Rapidly- Slowly
10. Meticulous- Careless
11. Barbarous- Civilized
12. Successor- Predecessor
13. Urban- Rural
14. Conclusive- Indecisive
15. Terminate-Begin
16. Niggardly- Lavishly
17. Advanced- Receded
18. Enlightened- Ignorant
19. Moderate- Extreme
20. Superficial- Thorough
21. Scorn- Admiration
22. Trivial- Serious
23. Loquacious- Reserved
24. Confiscate- Release
25. Often- Rarely
26. Eminent- Notorious
27. Embark upon- Conclude
28. Diffidence- Boldness
29. Paucity- Plenty
30. Triggered- Choked
31. Fastidious- Adjustable
32. Grandiose- Simple
33. Bleak- Bright
34. Insolent- Humble
35. Lurid- Mild
36. Unscrupulous- Conscientious
37. Melodious- Tuneless
38. Contaminate- Purify
39. Frugal- Extravagant
40. Falling off- Improvement
41. Genial- Unkind
42. Shallow- Deep
43. Immune- Vulnerable
44. Veneration- Disrespect
45. Yield to- Resist
46. Concur- Disagree
47. Vague- Precise
48. Humility- Pride
49. Extol- Censure
50. Takes off- Lands
51. Demolish- Build
52. Prevent- Induce
53. Frailty- Strength
54. Collapse- Rise
55. Anxious- Carefree
56. Thrifty- Wasteful
57. Innovate- Copy
58. Enduring- Fleeting
59. Progressive- Retrogressive
60. Purposely- Unintentionally
61. Brave- Timid
62. Opaque- Transparent
63. Hinder- Encourage
64. Zeal- Apathy
65. Shimmering-Gloomy
66. Plausible- Implausible/ Unbelievable
67. Flair- Inability
68. Dormant- Active
69. Hazy- Clear
70. Fantastic- Ordinary
71. Asceticism- Luxury
72. Dissolution- Establishment
73. Unnerved- Confident
74. Harmony- Disagreement
75. Guilty- Innocent
76. Duplicity- Honesty
77. Jocular- Morose
78. Uncompromising- Flexible
79. Desecration- Consecration
80. Far-fetched- Realistic
81. Parallel- Crooked
82. Blocked- Facilitated
83 Turn coat- Loyal
84. Embellish- Spoil
85. Intentional- Accidental
86. Expand- Contract
87. Stimulate- Discourage
88. Perilous- Safe
89. Audacious- Timid
90. Quiet- Pandemonium
91. Genuine- Fictitious
92. Implicit- Explicit
93. Repulsive- Attractive
94. Escalate- Decrease
95. Commotion- Tranquility
96. Manifested- Concealed
97. Vindictive- Forgiving
98. Inaugurate- Terminate
99. Detest- Like
100. Commence- Conclude
101. Prosperity- Adversity
102. Deliberate- Unintentional
103. Disputable- Indisputable
104. Make- Break
105. Depressed- Elated
106. Ham-fisted- Adroit
107. Capture- Liberate
108. Misery- Joy
109. Anarchy- Order
110. Monotony- Variety
111. Latter- Former
112. Diligent- Lazy
113. Philistine- Cultured
114. Ingest- Disgorge
115. Laceration- Healing
116. Disorderly- Organized
117. Glossy- Dull
118. Accomplish- Fail
119. Orderly- Chaotic
120. Strife- Peace
121. Antique- Recent
122. Rapid- Slow
123. Initiated- Concluded
124. Fatigued- Rigid
125. Dynamic- Static
126. Hereditary- Acquired
127. Heretical- Orthodox
128. Implicate- Exonerate
129. Liberty- Slavery
130. Elevation- Reduction
131. Boon- Bane
132. Famous- Obscure
133. Gloomy- Radiant
134. Isolation- Association
135. Contented- Dissatisfied
136. Severe- Mild
137. Fatigued- Energised
138. Flexible- Rigid
139. Delete- Include
140. Evanescent- Eternal
141. Virtue- Vice
142. Confident- Diffident
143. Adamant- Yielding
144. Callous- Sensitive
145. Procrastinate- Expedite
146. Probity- Dishonesty
147. Sporadic- Continual
148. Apposite- Inappropriate
149. Chivalry- Cowardice
150. Sanguine temper- Despairing nature
151. Imperil- Safeguard
152. Consolidated- Disjoined
153. Vituperative- Laudatory
154. Benefactor- Enemy
155. Barren- Fertile
156. Nervous- Composed
157. Evident- Hidden
158. Professional- Amateur
159. Cessation- Commencement
160. Potent- Weak
161. Gregarious- Unsociable
162. Implication- Exoneration
163. Dismal- Bright
164. Meagre- Surplus
165. Flamboyant- Not showy
166. Chronic- Temporary
167. Awkward- Graceful
168. Despair- Hope
169. Validate- Disprove
170. Smug- Dissatisfied
171. Vicious- Virtuous
172. Obscure- Clear
173. Enervate- Strengthen
174. Autonomous- Dependent
175. Exonerate- Convict
176. Controversial- Indisputable
177. Accord- Disagreement
178. Feasible- Impractical
179. Acquit- Condemn
180. Affluence- Poverty
181. Harmonious- Discordant
182. Factual- Unrealistic
183. Assent- Disagreement
184. Discreet- Careless in behavior
185. Unjust- Fair-minded
186. Oppressive- Gentle
187. Clinch- Lose
188. To put up with- To dislike
189. Deceitful- Honest
190. Exaggerate- Understate
191. Synthetic- Natural
192. Infirmity- Strength
193. Deny- Accept
194. Benediction- Curse
195. Forbid- Permit
196. Inconspicuous- Prominent
197. Abandon- Retain
198. Fickle- Constant
199. Articulate- Unable tpress oneself.
200. Humble- Powerful
Friday, 30 August 2024
One word substitution-22
Word |
Meaning |
अर्थ |
Caducity |
The infirmity of old age. |
नश्वरता |
Calligraphy |
The art of beautiful hand writing.
Elegant penmanship. |
हस्तलिपि, लिखावट, सुलेख |
Callous |
A man devoid of kind feeling and
sympathy |
कठोर, निष्ठुर |
Cannibal |
Of a man or animal that feeds on
its own species |
स्वजातिभक्षक पशु, नरभक्षी |
Carnivorous |
A flesh eating animal |
मांसाहारी |
Catalogue |
A list of books |
तालिका, नामावली, नामसूची |
Celibacy |
Abstinence from sex |
ब्रह्मचर्य |
Celibate |
One who is unmarried |
ब्रह्मचारी |
Cemetery |
A place for burial of dead bodies. |
कब्रिस्तान |
Centenarian |
A person who is above hundred
years |
शतायु |
Centenary |
Celebration of a hundredth year,
once –a-century |
शताब्दी, शतवर्षिया उत्सव |
Centripetal |
Anything tending to move away from
centre. |
अभिकेंद्र, केन्द्राभिमुखी |
Century |
One hundred years. |
सौ वर्ष, शताब्दी |
Colleague |
A co-worker or a fellow-worker in
the same institution |
सहकर्मी |
Compatriot |
Belong to same country. |
एक देशवासी, हम वतन |
Congenital |
Belonging or pertaining to an
individual from birth |
जन्मजात |
Congregation |
An assembly of worshippers. |
सभा, भक्त मंडली, धर्मसंघ |
Conscription |
Compulsory enlistment for military
or i\other service |
सेना में जबरदस्ती भर्ती करना |
Contemporaries |
People living at the same time |
समकालीन व्यक्ति |
Contemporary |
Belonging to the same period of
time |
समकालीन |
Convalescent |
One who is recovering from illness |
स्वास्थ्य लाभकारी, स्वास्थ्य लाभ से सम्बंधित |
Cosmology |
Science of origin of universe |
ब्रह्माण्ड विज्ञान |
Cosmopolitan |
One who can make himself at home
in all countries |
समस्त संसार का, सर्वव्यापी |
Cosmopolite |
A citizen of the world |
ऐसा व्यक्ति जिसने बहुत देशों की यात्रा की हो |
Couplet |
A stanza having two lines in
verse. |
दोहा |
Credulous |
A person who readily believes
whatever is told to him/her. |
सहज विश्वासी, भोला |
Cryptography |
Study of secret writing and coded
words |
गूढ़ लेखन, बीज लेखन |
Word |
Meaning |
अर्थ |
Curable |
Which can be cured. |
साध्य, ठीक होने योग्य |
Cynic |
One who questions everything |
दोषदर्शी, निंदक |
Cytology |
Study of cell |
कोशिका विज्ञान |
Dead letter |
An unclaimed letter |
अंधपत्र, अप्रचलित कानून |
Deaf |
One who cannot hear |
बहरा |
Debar |
Prevent a person from admission or
a right. |
वर्जित करना, रोक देना |
Declamation |
Act or art of rhetorical exercise. |
भाषण, घोषणा, व्याख्यान |
Delegate |
To give one |
सौपना, प्रतिनिधित्व करने के लिये भेजना |
Democracy |
Government of the people, for the
people, by the people |
प्रजातंत्र, लोकतंत्र |
Demonstration |
Show of force to intimidate. |
प्रदर्शन |
Depreciate |
To go down in value |
मूल्य घटना, कीमत घटना |
Dermatology |
Study of skin. |
त्वचा विज्ञान |
Desert |
Where neither water nor vegetation
is found. |
रेगिस्तान, मरुस्थल, बंजर |
Deteriorate |
To go from bad to worse |
बिगड़ना, क्षय होना |
Dictatorship |
Government carried on by an
absolute ruler. |
निरंकुशता, तानाशाही, दबंग |
Dictionary |
A book dealing with words in alphabetical
order |
शब्दकोश, शब्द सागर |
Dieting |
A small allowance of food to
become slim. |
कम भोजन करना |
Digestible |
That which can be digested |
पाचन योग्य, सुपाच्य |
Dipsomania |
A strong desire to take liquor. |
मदिरा की लत्त, शराब की तीव्र इच्छा |
Disenfranchisement |
To take away some one |
विशेष विक्रय अधिकार को वापस लेना |
Divisible |
That Which can be divided. |
विभाज्य |
Dotage |
Extreme old age when one behaves
like a child |
सठियापा, वृद्धावस्था की मतिक्षीणता |
Draw |
A game in which neither party wins |
लॉटरी नंबर निकालना, खींचना, खेल में ना जीत ना हार, बराबरी |
Drawn/ Tie |
A game or batter in which neither
party wins |
खेल मैं बराबरी - ना जीत ना हार |
Drought |
Continuous dry weather and lack of
rain and water. |
सूखा, अनावृष्टि |
Dumb |
One who cannot speak |
गूंगा |
Word |
Meaning |
अर्थ |
Eccentric |
One who has strange habits |
सनकी, विचित्र |
Ecology |
Study of environment |
पर्यावरण, परिस्थिति विज्ञान |
Edible |
A thing that is fit to be eaten |
खाने योग्य, आहार |
Effeminate |
Of a man showing feminine
attributes |
नारी जैसा पुरुष, स्त्रैण |
Efficacious |
Sure to produce desired results |
अचूक, प्रभावी |
Egotist |
A person who always thinks of
himself ; somebody who is selfish or self-centered |
अहंकारी, अहंवादी |
Eligible |
One who is qualifies for election |
योग्य |
Elucidate |
To explain something mysterious or
difficult |
समझना, स्पष्ट करना |
Embezzlement |
Misappropriation of money |
गबन |
Emigrant |
One who goes to live in a foreign
country |
उप्रवासी, परदेश में रहने वाला व्यक्ति |
Emissary |
Q person sent on a
mission.[usually official] |
दूत, गुप्तचर, जासूस |
Emphasize |
To lay special stress on |
महत्व देना |
Employer |
One who employs. |
नियोजक, मालिक |
Endemic |
A disease prevailing in a locality |
स्थानिक बीमारी |
Entomology |
Study of insects |
कीट विद्या |
Epic |
A long narrative poem |
महाकाव्य |
Epicure |
Somebody who has refined taste for
food; somebody who loves sensual pleasure and luxury |
स्वादलोलुप व्यक्ति |
Epidemic |
A contagious disease which spreads
over a huge area |
महामारी |
Epilogue |
A speech given after conclusion of
drama. |
उपसंहार |
Epistle |
Verse in form of a letter. |
काव्य पत्र, धर्म पत्र |
Epitaph |
Inscription on a tombstone |
स्मारक, समाधी-लेख |
Equestrian |
A person who rides on horse-back |
अश्वारोही, घुड़सवार |
Equilibrium |
A state of perfect balance |
संतुलन |
Eradicate |
Destroy or get rid of something
completely; root out an evil or bad practice |
मिटा देना, उन्मूलन करना |
Word |
Meaning |
अर्थ |
Essential |
Thing without which we cannot do |
अनिवार्य, प्रधान, आवश्यक |
Ethnology |
A study of races |
मानव जाति अध्ययन |
Etiquette |
Established rules of conduct;
rules of acceptable behavior |
शिष्टाचार |
Etymology |
A study of word, science deals
which formation of words |
शब्दों का इतिहास/मतलब, शब्दों के उद्गम का शास्त्र |
Examinee |
One who is taking examination. |
परीक्षार्थी |
Examiner |
One who examine the copies of
examinees. |
परीक्षक, प्रश्नकर्ता |
Exile |
Made to be absent for a long time
from one's own country. |
देश निकाला, निर्वासन, वनवास |
Exonerate |
Free somebody from blame or guilt |
दोष मुक्त करना |
Expatriate |
To send out of native country. |
प्रवासी |
Expurgate |
To remove all objectionable
matter. |
आपत्तिजनक विषय की कांट-छांट करना |
Extempore |
A speech delivered without any
previous preparation |
बिना तैयारी के |
Extradite |
To send back the criminal to the
country. |
भागे हुए विदेशी अपराधी को सौंपना, प्रत्यार्पण करना |
Facsimile |
An exact copy |
प्रतिकृति |
Fanatic |
A man who has too much enthusiasm
for his own religion |
कट्टरपंथी, उन्मादी |
Fastidious |
A person difficult to please |
अकडू, नकचड़ा |
Fatal |
Anything that leads to death |
प्राण-घातक, जानलेवा |
Fatalist |
A person who believes in fate |
भाग्यवादी |
Feminist |
One who thinks only of welfare of
women |
नारी अधिकारवादी |
Foregone |
Something that has been determined
beforehand |
पूर्व निश्चित |
Forgery |
Falsification of documents etc. |
जालसाजी, नकली |
Foster child |
Child brought by persons, Who are
not his parents. |
किसी और के द्वारा पोषित बच्चा |
Franchise |
Constitutional right to cast vote. |
मतदान का अधिकार, विशेष विक्रय अधिकार |
Fratricide |
The murder or murderer of brother
or sister |
भ्रात्र-हत्या, स्वजनो की हत्या/हत्यारा |
Important ssc gk
SSC GK Questions 1) निम्नलिखित में से कौन सा ग्रह सौरमंडल के सबसे ठंडे ग्रह की श्रेणी में आता है? (1) यूरेनस (2) नेपच्यून (3) बुध (4) मंगल...
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