Thursday, 16 January 2020

One word substitution-15

1.One who compiles a dictionary.

- Lexicographer(कोश-रचनाकार)

2.One who studies the evolution of mankind.

- Anthropologist(मानव विज्ञानं के ज्ञाता)

3. Government by one person.

-Autocracy(एकतंत्री शासन/तानाशाही)

4.Murder of one-self.


5.Murder of man.


6.Murder of brother.

-Fratricide(भ्रातृ हत्या)

7.One who runs away from justice or law.


8.One who dies for a nobble cause.


9.One new to anything inexperienced.


10.The life history of a person written by himself.


11.The first speech delivered by a person.

-Maiden speech (प्रथम भाषण )

12. One who lives on flesh. -Carnivorous (मांशाहारी)

13. One who feeds on human flesh. -Cannibal (नरभक्षी )

14. Person living at the same time.-Contemporaries(समकालीन )

15. A person who is unable to pay his debts(ऋण)

-Insolvent/Bankrupt(दिवालिया )

16.  A sound that can not be heard. 

-Inaudible(जो सुना न जा सके/अश्रब्य)

17.That can not be easily approached.


18. Government by religious principles.

 -Theocracy(धर्म राज्य)

19.Violating or profaning(उल्लंघन या अपवित्र करना) religious things/places.

 -Sacrilege(पवित्र वस्तु को दूषित करना )

20. Incapable of being corrected.


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