Word |
Meaning |
अर्थ |
Abbreviation |
A shortened form of a word or phrase |
संक्षिप्त रूप, लघु रूप |
Abdication |
Voluntary renouncing throne |
सिंहासन त्याग, राज त्याग |
Abolish |
Do away with wholly |
उनमूलन करना, मिटा देना |
Aborigines |
Original inhabitants of a country |
प्राचीन देशवासी |
Abridged |
An edition a book in which it has been condensed. |
संक्षिप्त |
Accelerate |
To increase the speed; to hasten the progress of |
गति बढ़ाना, तेज करना |
Accessible |
Which can be approached |
सुगम्य, सुलभ, गम्नीय |
Acclimatize |
To accustom oneself in new climate |
आदी होना, नये वातावरण के अनुकूल होना |
Accountable |
Liable to be called to account |
जिम्मेदार होना |
Acquaint |
Make oneself familiar with a person or a thing . |
परिचित कराना, जानकारी प्राप्त करना |
Acquittal |
The act of freeing a person from a charge by verdict. |
दोष रहित, रिहाई |
Actuary |
One who calculates premium |
बीमांकक, बीमांकिक |
Adolescence |
The period between childhood and adulthood |
किशोरावस्था |
Adulteration |
To falsify a thing by admixture or baser ingredients. |
अपमिश्रित, मिलावट |
Aggravate |
To increase the gravity of an offence or the intensity of a
disease |
और बिगाड़ देना, तीव्र करना |
Aggressor |
A person who attacks first |
आक्रमणकारी |
Agnostic |
One who doubts the existence of god |
नास्तिक, संशयवादी |
Alien |
One who resides in a country of which he is not a citizen. |
अलग दुनिया का, विदेशी मनुष्य, ऊपर देशीय |
Alienate |
To turn friends in enemies |
विरोधी बनाना, दूर कर देना |
Alimony |
Allowance paid to wife on legal separation |
प्रत्यक्यता(तलाक दी हुई) पत्नी के लिए वृति या जीविका निर्वाह व्यय |
Altruist |
A person who loves every body |
परोपकारी |
Amateur |
One who does something not professionally but for pleasure |
शौकीया, नौसिखिया |
Ambassador |
A person representing a state in a foreign country. |
राजदूत |
Ambidextrous |
Of a person who can use both hands equally well |
अभ्यत, दोनो हाथ इस्तेमाल करने में निपुण |
Ambiguous |
A sentence whose meaning is unclear |
अस्पष्ट, दुविधापूर्ण |
Ambivalent |
Having opposing feelings |
मिले जुले भाव वाला |
Ambulance |
A van which is used in transporting wounded or serious
patients. |
रोगी वाहन, अस्पताल गाड़ी |
Amnesia |
Loss of memory |
याददाश्त खो जाना, स्मृतिलोप |
Amnesty |
General pardon |
राज-क्षमा, क्षमादान |
Word |
Meaning |
अर्थ |
Amphibian |
A land animal that breeds in water |
जल तथा स्थल में रहने वाला जन्तु |
Anarchist |
One who is out to subvert a government |
अराजकतावादी |
Anarchy |
Absence of government |
अराजकता, अव्यवस्था |
Anniversary |
The yearly return of a date. |
सालगिरह, वर्षगाँठ |
Annual |
Which happens once a year. |
वार्षिक |
Anomaly |
Deviation from common rule |
अनियमित्ता |
Anonymous |
A book written by an unknown author |
गुमनाम, बेनाम लेखक |
Answerable |
A person liable to be called to account for his action |
उत्तरदायी, जवाबदेही |
Antedate |
To date before the true time |
पूर्व-दिनांकित करना |
Anthropology |
A study of man |
मानव विज्ञान |
Antidote |
A medicine to counteract the effect of another medicine |
विषनाशक, विषहरण औषधि |
Antiseptic |
A medicine that prevents decomposing |
रोगाणु रोधक |
Antonym |
A word opposite in meaning to another |
विलोम |
Aphasia |
Loss of speech |
आवाज बंद हो जाना, वाचाघात |
Apostate |
One who abandons his religious faith. |
धर्मत्यागी, विश्वासघाती |
Appreciate |
To rise in value |
भाव बढ़ जाना, प्रशंसा करना |
Aquarium |
Vessel in which fish and water plants are kept. |
मत्स्यालय, जलजीवशाला |
Aquatic |
Animals live in water. |
जलचर, जलीय |
Word |
Meaning |
अर्थ |
Arbitrator |
A person appointed by parties to settle the disputes between
them |
मध्यस्थ, पंच |
Archaeology |
A study of ancient things |
पुरातत्व विज्ञान |
Aristocracy |
A Government by the Nobles |
अभिजात वर्ग |
Armistice |
The cessation of warfare before a treaty is signed. |
युध्दविराम, संधि |
Arsenal |
A place where weapons and ammunitions are stored |
शस्त्रागार |
Ascetic |
One who tortures himself for the good of soul. |
संन्यासी |
Atheist |
One who does not believe in the existence of God |
नास्तिक |
Audible |
Sound which can be heard |
सुनाई देने योग्य ध्वनि |
Audience |
An assembly of hearers at a lecture or concert |
श्रोता |
Audiology |
The study of hearing, especially hearing defects and their
treatment. |
श्रवण विज्ञान |
Auditor |
One who makes an official examination of accounts |
लेखा परिक्षक |
Aurist |
A specialist with regard to ear |
कर्ण विशेषज्ञ |
Autobiography |
A life history written by oneself |
आत्मकथा |
Autocracy |
A Government by one |
तानाशाही |
Autograph |
Getting signature of some important person in his handwriting |
हस्ताक्षर |
Avaricious |
Of a person extremely desirous of money |
लालची |
Bachelorhood |
State of being unmarried |
कुँवारापन |
Bankrupt |
One who can’t pay the debts. |
दिवालिया |
Behead |
Cut off the head |
सिर काटना |
Word |
Meaning |
अर्थ |
Bellicose |
One who is fond of fighting |
लडाकू |
Belligerents |
Nations engaged in war. |
युध्दकारी, युध्दरथ |
Bibliophile |
A great lover of books |
पुस्तक प्रेमी |
Biennial |
Happening every second year |
द्विवार्षिक, हर दो साल में होने वाला |
Bigamy |
Practice of having two wives or husbands |
द्विपत्नीत्व, द्विविवाह |
Bigot |
One who has narrow and prejudiced religious views |
कट्टर, धर्मांध |
Bilingual |
A person who speaks two languages |
द्विभाषी |
Biography |
A life history written by somebody else |
जीवनी |
Biology |
The science which treats with life |
जीव-विज्ञान |
Biped |
Animal having two feet. |
दो पैर वाला जानवर |
Blasphemy |
Speaking disrespectfully about sacred or religious things. |
ईश्वर निंदा |
Bookworm |
One who devotes full time in studying course books |
किताबी कीड़ा |
Botany |
The branch of biology dealing with plant life |
वनस्पति विज्ञान |
Brigand |
A bandit or robber, [esp.] One of a band living by pillage and
ransom. |
डाकू, डकैत |
Brittle |
Hard but liable to be easily broken |
खस्ता, भंगुर |
Bullion |
Gold or Silver before using for manufacturing ornaments |
चांदी सोने की ईंट |
Bureaucracy |
A Government by the officials |
नौकरशाही, अधिकारी-वर्ग |
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